About Our Alumni Network
In 2015 we created a Memphis Fellows Alumni Network. The Memphis alumni network exists to offer our alumni opportunities to still be part of the rich Fellows community and to continue to grow and learn. During the Fellows year there are gatherings for the alumni with the current class of Fellows, other alumni in the area, current teachers in the program, and the larger Fellows community. Grace Simmons, a Memphis alumna, coordinates our efforts for the Memphis Alumni Network. She may be reached at alumni@2pcfellows.org.
Past Classes
Class of 2013
Ways to connect
We welcome alumni on our Fellows committees. Alumni presently serve on our host family, work placement, and admissions committees. If you are interested in serving on any of the Fellows committees, please contact Deborah Coleman at fellows@2pc.org. If you want to be added to the mailing list for alumni events, contact Grace Simmons at alumni@2pcfellows.org.
Alumni Spotlight
bradley Morrow
Jeremiah Davis, Eric Monroe, Caleb King, and Bradley Morrow
Why did you choose to become a Memphis Fellow? How did you hear about Fellows?
I heard about the Fellows program through Campus Outreach. I chose to become a Memphis Fellow because I did not know exactly what I wanted to do after graduation, but I did know that I wanted to continue to grow spiritually and develop professionally. Memphis Fellows allowed me to do both.
Did you have any pre-conceived notions about the program that were different in reality?
I thought the program was going to be boring and strictly business. I was not expecting to have as much fun as I did. In reality, the Fellows program was one of the most fun seasons of my life.
What was the most rewarding part of being a Memphis Fellow?
The most rewarding part of being a Memphis Fellow is the relationships that you get to build with other fellows, host families, mentors, and the different people you meet through the program.
How would you summarize your Fellows experience in one sentence?
My Fellows experience was a season of immense growth, opportunity, and investment in both myself and others.
How did working in your work placement during Fellows jumpstart or prepare you for your career afterwards?
My work placement allowed me to take what I was learning in the program and apply it directly to real life. Having my work placement be a ministry position allowed me the room to discern whether or not I was being called to full-time vocational ministry.
What was your favorite weekly activity?
My favorite weekly activity was roundtable! I loved being able to share dinner and to have time to just unwind and be together.
What advice would you give to prospective students interested in applying?
If you are considering applying, just do it. Apply and then prayerfully seek the Lord. He will make it clear if he is leading you there. Apply and see what happens!
In retrospect, what are you most thankful for from your time as a Fellow?
I am most thankful for the people in Fellows, especially Frank and Sandy (my host family). God used people to shape me in so many different ways. The program was hard, and I faced a lot of challenges, but it was all more than worth it.